Thursday, June 25, 2009

Meet the Teacher Night

We feel so blessed with our school many people in our neighborhood applied for Brier Creek Elementary & didn't get in. I feel so at peace about it & that this is a God thing. That's Ashleigh's Kindergarten teacher, Miss Carter. I like everything about her so far well, except her love of NC State, but I think I can overlook that ;).
My sweet Ashleigh is growing up all too fast. Just the other day Stew & I were reminiscing about how she learned to walk & how excited we were to see her take her 1st steps back & forth between the beanbag chairs. We were so concerned she would fall & injure herself & not have a soft place to land. Hopefully we've trained her well because on July 9th she's taking a little bigger step on her own. She's so excited! She had such a great time tonight meeting the teacher, playing with the other kids...she didn't want it to end. I think she's ready for her bigger step.
I've ordered her backpack & lunch box, but we still have all of the other supplies to purchase. As for me I'm going to try to enjoy every moment of the anticipation & excitement. I want to keep these thoughts & emotions in my heart forever.
So here's to you my sweet Ashleigh, I know you'll do great. Love you so much....XOXOXO.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Topsail Beach 3

Mama & Boo!

just love this pic!

It takes great concentration...

She's such a girlie girl.

the shell designer

Look what we found on the beach...the structure was already there. We just added the decor. I think it needed a woman's touch. What do you think?

Look at me! What a great hole!

the creative visionary

the artist

She was very serious about her sand play.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Topsail Beach 2

Since we arrived at Topsail last night, today was about the crowded, hectic grocery run, with a little fun rolled in, of course.
Our 1st stop though was at one of our favorite places, Island Delights. It's a local sort of 50's styled sandwich/ ice cream shop.

Then we went to the beach for a late after frolic in the sun.
Yes, this was not an illusion...Stew was actually cooking. I found out he still can ;).

Saturday, June 13, 2009

If We Can Ever Get There...beach vacation day 1

After taking most of the day to get all of the laundry done and everything packed, we are ready to go. See our haul which included sheets, towels, some food & kitchen supplies, fishing supplies, pool stuff, beachy things, Julia's bed, stuffed animals, toys, vitamins, meds, diapers, pull ups, wipes, diaper creme, oh! & we didn't forget toys, & cash of course ;) & lastly beach box keys!
The girls are ready!

Our tradition is to stop at Smithfield's & this trip was no different.

The food was sooooo yummy!

See ya tomorrow at the beach.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Cool new thing...

OK, so maybe this is only cool to me.

I stole this idea from KR (actually she told me "I MUST DO IT"), who stole it from Laura, who stole it from Beth.

Now if I can do it, anyone can!

OK, drum roll please.........

I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! I DID IT!!!! Yea!!!!!!

Really that's it, just my signature. What do 'ya think?