Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Julia's 1st day of preschool!

How is it possible, Little Boo's 1st day of Preschool? She had no separation anxiety, at all. I'm the one that didn't want to leave her...sigh. Ashleigh said, "I'm just so worried about her standing in line & eating her lunch. What if she hits a kid? I hope she doesn't have to go to Ms. Kathy's office. I certainly never had to go." While I didn't have many reservations...I did wonder if she'd sit at her lunch table for the entire lunch period & not try to run around.
Stay tuned for the end of day report...

Here we go...off to the preschool playground. How fun is that! They do that 1st!
There she is, in the pink, playing in the playhouse. She LOVES to do that! Plus there's a kitchen in there...her 2 favorite play things in 1.
OK, so you're thinking leave already....well, NO. Ashleigh & I are still hanging out.
.. ...my little girlie girl.

HEY MOM, no cameras please. Love it :).

Hmm, what will I play with next?
Next Ashleigh & I went to her classroom to drop off her things. On the way we saw Ms. Stephanie, A's transitional teacher last year. She was so excited to see Ashleigh & invited her to her classroom to visit Ms. Diane as well. I'm thinking YES that means we don't have to leave. We visit with Ms. Stephanie & Ms. Diane & see Ashleigh's friend Valerie. Then before we leave I try to spot Julia out the backdoor on the playground, but I don't see her. Then Ash needs to use the restroom, so we watched her out of that window. Looked like she was having fun! Not that I felt uncertain about her being there or anything...it was just her 1st time & MY BABY!
Fast forward to 12:45...we pick her up. I ask Ms. Jean, "How did she do? Did she sit in her chair through lunch"? She replied, "she did great, yes & she's such a good eater. Then she threw her trash away herself." Then I asked Julia if she had fun? Her response, "I YIKE IT"!
My baby's growing up.