Thursday, February 18, 2010

Julia's Preschool 3rd Birthday Party!

A couple of days before Julia's birthday I brought My Little Pony cupcakes & cookies to preschool. This is a 2 year old class, well most are 3 by now. The kids had a blast! Everyone sang happy birthday & Julia just beamed. She just LOVED being the birthday girl!

Ashleigh was so excited to attend the festivities thanks to "track out". Gotta love year round school!

Julia's a very serious cupcake eater.

Happy Birthday, sweet Julia!
Bringing cupcakes to a group of 3 year olds was SO much fun, watching them giggle & laugh & get messy! And boy did their personalities shine through!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Date with Dad

Stewart has started taking Ashleigh out for lunch & ice cream as a reward for bible verse memory at Awana. He opens the door for her & treats her like a gentleman should. I've heard they've had interesting chats as well :).