Monday, December 28, 2009

Ma-Ma My Tummy Hurts...

...I heard early that morning. O.K. I thought. Kids have tummy issues. So it hurts down low, maybe she just needs to go to the bathroom. She did.

Fast hour later. Not drinking or eating, still moaning & crying. O.K., time for the pediatrician. I thought maybe it was her appendix because it was tender to the touch, but hoping & praying it wasn't. As a mom my mind automatically thought invasive surgery, needles, pain, meds, & other scary stuff. I mean this is the little girl who's terrified of needles & cries at the thought of such things.

While we were waiting for our 11 am appointment, Stewart goes to bed, his normal routine, due to 3rd shift work. I get a quick shower. I was thinking if I'm going to be at the hospital for
few days I should probably at least start clean.

So off we go to see Dr. Frerich, my girls & me. With every step Ashleigh's pain intensifies, but she slowly put one foot in front of the other & kept shuffling along.

We see Dr. Frerich, who thinks it's either a bladder infection or appendicitis. So we trudge off to the bathroom. Meanwhile playful Julia is getting on Ashleigh's nerves & whining & arguments ensue. Two year olds just can't grasp sickness in others. Then it was time for the finger prick, which Ashleigh handled better than ever. She cried a little, but at the same time knew it had to be done. I hugged her & we got through it. Then we waited. We did a lot of that.

Then Dr. Frerich stepped through the door and said, "I have good news & bad news. The good news is it's not a bladder infection. The bad news is I think it's appendicitis. Normally patients are sent to the emergency room & then referred to a surgeon. However this time I'm referring her straight to the surgeon with a diagnosis of probable appendicitis." He then referred us to his appointment secretary who seemed very confused about sending us straight to the surgeon, so confused in fact she had to excuse herself to chat with Dr. Frerich about it. She shortly returned & contacted the surgeon to make the appointment. It was already a few minutes after
noon & the appointment was at 1 pm. I tried to call Stewart, but I knew the phone was in the kitchen, while he was asleep in the bedroom. She gave me new patient forms to fill out before our surgical appointment. So I thought, first of all I have a 2 year old with me. Second, I don't know if I have time to go home to wake up Stew. Third, if I don't have time, I'll need to call someone to go to our house & wake him. The only person I thought of was Korey & what if he was out of town!? I decided to go home anyway & leave the kids in the car, while I went to wake up Stewart. I thought I could go back to the car to fill out the paperwork, while Stewart came out to the van & to take Julia back in the house. And it almost worked. Really. Stewart came out to get Julia. Then Ashleigh said she needed to go to the bathroom. She was having a hard time walking, but slowly was making it to the house, UNTIL she started throwing up on the sidewalk in front of the house. I immediately started waving my arms around frantically to get Stewart's attention. He came out & carried her to the bathroom.

On the way to the surgeon's office I thought I'm alone in this. Stewart's with Julia. He can't really bring her to the hospital. So I call Korey to see if Julia can stay with them, if needed. He said of course. At this time Stewart contacted Kristen to get the prayers started. I prayed as often as possible, but most of my time was spent holding & comforting Ashleigh.

We arrive at the surgeon's office on time. While we waited Ashleigh fell asleep. I remember being very thankful for this brief moment of rest for her. After we were called back to the examining room and questioned by the nurse to rehash all of the above, we were told Dr. Paschal was called to the hospital for emergency we waited again.
We saw Dr. Paschal at about 3 p.m. Ashleigh was starting to feel better. Dr. Paschal said he like to see kids a little more sick, but he was still 80% sure it was appendicitis. Said he would know for sure when he operated TODAY! Ashleigh didn't panic, but tears started to flow. She was scared, but showed SO MUCH STRENGTH! He said he could send her home, but if it's her appendix, it could rupture making Ashleigh a sick little girl. That would have to involve a prolonged hospital stay as well as about a month of antibiotics. O.K., no thanks! Don't like that plan. So off to the hospital we go.

Well his office was technically at the hospital. Just had to move my car & register.

So we register that is. Finally we're called. Now I was fairly quiet during check-in, just answered questions, showed my I.D. & insurance card, etc. Now Ashleigh on the other hand told the staff all about her little sister Julia who wears glasses & was 2 & all about her bear named Bubba. Everyone laughed, had a great time, & said how cute Ashleigh was, blah, blah, blah. And all I could think was, OK PEOPLE! MY DAUGHTER'S HAVING SURGERY! THEY WILL OPEN HER BELLY & REMOVE AN ORGAN! AN ORGAN! HELLO!!!! But you know I did the same thing. I can't believe I didn't shed a tear, that would come later. It just occurred to me why. All I thought up to this point was to remain calm, positive, and keep things light for Ashleigh. I answered all of her questions in a very logical, truthful, positive way. We talked about how she would be asleep during the procedure. Then she would be allowed to EAT in bed & watch TV! She was so excited about that part & kept talking about it.

So off we walked to pre-op...when we arrived Ashleigh became a little upset. She said, "this is not what I expected." We went to our "room". Ashleigh sat in my lap while I answered about a
100 questions from the nurse, then the anesthesiologist. The anesthesiologist told her he would give her some medicine that would taste better than her current antibiotic she was currently taking for an ear infection. While she was taking it the nursing staff cheered. Immediately after, Ashleigh shouted, "it was awful! He tricked me!"

Then it was time to change clothes. As long as I held her, she was amazingly strong. She was still upset though, about being tricked. See no matter the subject matter, I always tell her the truth in a way she can understand.

After a few minutes the nurse said it was time to get in the bed. I tried to stand up to help Ashleigh into bed, but she clung to me & didn't want to get in bed alone. So the nurse said I could ride with her. Still not wanting to separate for a second, I had to climb in bed, while holding my precious little girl. We snuggled that way for a good 10 - 15 minutes. Ashleigh was becoming very drowsy. It was her plan though not to fall asleep because if she didn't fall asleep they couldn't do the surgery. A funny thing, that was my plan as well when I had surgery as a child. Maybe that's a common child reaction?

Then the tech showed up & rolled us away. After he scanned his I.D. card & hand, a few people in scrubs showed up. It was time for me to leave. Ashleigh cried out, "Mama"! As the bed rolled away I could see her arms to one side, reaching for me. Then she disappeared through the doors I was not allowed to enter.

I made my way to the O.R. waiting room, somehow!? That part is a blur. I was hungry & thirsty. I was mainly thirsty. Ashleigh couldn't eat anything all day. How could I eat when she could have nothing? Thinking back about it now, I think I was so in tuned to Ashleigh's feelings & being there for her that my mind & consciousness was separated from my physical needs somehow. Sounds crazy, but so true. I remember being relieved to see my Mama when I arrived to the waiting room. We went to get a drink. And upon our return I see my friend Meredith. This part's kind of funny. I say what are you doing here? I was thinking what a coincidence she's waiting for a family member having surgery while I'm doing the same. No she was there for me with a goody bag in hand! It was so great to see her! She waited with us during the entire surgery! We all chatted the entire time. Of course they were trying to keep my mind off everything. They were doing the same thing for me that I was doing for Ashleigh. We chatted laughed & prayed together. Then when the surgery was complete & we were called to talk with the surgeon, she left.

Dr. Paschal said she definitely had appendicitis and she did great during surgery. Yay! What an answer to prayers! God is so good! He said she was a trooper & definitely made some friends in the O.R. He also praised Dr. Frerich for an accurate diagnosis. Yay! Thanks FedEx insurance!
Grumble. Grumble. O.K. now I was hungry. So Mama & I went to the cafeteria while Ashleigh was in recovery. The food there is SO DELICIOUS & not because I was famished. A renowned chef is employed there. So cool.

After we were done, Ashleigh was back in her room. Yay! She was pale, but O.K.! Thank you God! Our prayers have been answered! Notice the first picture above taken about an hour after returning to her room. The nurse told us she had just arrived. She said when they moved her to her hospital bed she said her tummy hurt, so the nurse had given her some pain meds. She was sleeping comfortably.

After seeing Ashleigh was O.K. & sleeping, my mom left to go home & relieve Stewart so he could come to the hospital. Mama really was here...just didn't have my camera at the time. Sorry Mom. Soon Stewart arrived with all of my requests from home, including the camera. His presence had a very calming effect on me. And since Ashleigh was asleep & not really in a waking up mood, he made a video for her. See below.

Some may wonder why he wasn't at the hospital, but he wanted to spend some alone time with Julia. They played together at home. Then they went to Chick-fil-a for dinner, ice cream, & play area time. He said he really enjoyed their time together :). He had some funny stories to tell, as well, of her play time with other kids.

Ashleigh finally woke about midnight. She was doing fairly well, just very sore. She was still
upset at the man who tricked her & didn't like being too sore to turn on her side in the bed. (Her normal sleeping position). She also commented on how they really don't let you sleep here.
After a night of waking us up about every 1 or 2 hours, the morning was much more enjoyable. She was able to enjoy all of the gifts from the hospital: 2 stuffed animals, a homemade pillow & blanket, color wonder paint brush set & some movies. She painted & watched the movie Curious George at the same time! She said, "this is awesome!" Aunt Stacy also visited & brought balloons & goodies.
Then the nurse wanted her to do 1 more thing for them before she went home, go for a little walk. Ashleigh was not too happy about that, but gave it her all. The first few steps were slow, small & painful, but then she took off so fast the nurse called out "WOE"! She was having a hard time keeping up with her & Ashleigh still had her I.V. I think she definitely passed that test, LOL.
Dr. Paschal finally visited & said we were free to go home after lunch. Yay we thought! Finally we may get some rest!

So we waited yet again. Then we received our discharge instructions & paperwork & off to home we went!

Julia was SO HAPPY to see her sister & so was Ashleigh. I think they really missed each other.
Ashleigh's 1st night home was very uncomfortable for her. However after 3 doses of pain medicine, she was able to sleep fairly well. The following days were much better. Then after about 4 days, she was almost back to normal. And 7 days post surgery she went to school & gymnastics class!
Through this scary ordeal, Ashleigh showed amazing strength & courage. I remember when Stewart arrived at the hospital I told him Ashleigh was just AMAZING! This is a very special & passionate little girl filled with so much love for God, her family & friends (animals included).
We praise God for an excellent pediatrician, Dr. Frerich, who was able to make such a fast, accurate diagnosis! We praise God we didn't have to go to the E.R., but instead directly to the very well known surgeon, Dr. Paschal! We praise Him for Dr. Paschal & his entire staff for a job well done on our little girl! We praise Him for the nurses & entire staff at the hospital! We praise Him for family & friends who were able to help in so many ways! We praise Him for friends & family who were able to pray!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Painting Fun!

Since Ashleigh & Julia LOVE to paint, I couldn't resist purchasing these dollar spot paint sets.

O.K. so painting & popcorn eating...probably not the best decision I've ever made. It was pretty amusing though ;).
The serious artist!
the little body painter!